Legend Bridal Designs

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Of Skull & Moon; the Legend Bridal Logo

In the realm of Legend Bridal, symbolism is woven into every intricate detail, and our logo is no exception. We believe that a symbol has the power to capture the essence of a brand, to transcend words and to evoke emotions and our logo serves as a visual embodiment of our identity… but what does it actually mean?

The skull and moon are not simply a popular or trendy choice of icons in our alternative world; there is synergy between a moon and a skull and creates a powerful emblem that embodies both inclusivity and love. The moon, a timeless symbol of romance and emotion, represents the tender bond shared between two souls, while the skull, often associated with darkness and mystery, challenges societal norms, and embraces the beauty of individuality.

Together the moon and skull in our Legend Bridal Logo encapsulate the essence of our brand. We strive to create a space where every love story is cherished, where couples are encouraged to embrace their uniqueness and where inclusivity reigns supreme. Our logo serves as a reminder that love is a formidable force, capable of transcending societal constructs and illuminating the way towards a celebration of individuality diversity, and unconditional love.

But let’s break it down even further:

The moon,

Signifies love’s eternal presence and its ability to illuminate even the darkest hearts. It radiates an ethereal glow, symbolizing the transformative power of love. Whether it serves as a romantic backdrop for a midnight stroll, a witness to stolen kisses, or a celestial guide to longing hearts, the moon ignites a sense of wonder, reminding us of love’s infinite possibilities.

A timeless celestial symbol has long been associated with love and its’ profound impact on our lives. As it waxes and wanes, the moon mirrors the ebb and flow of emotions in our hearts, highlighting the ever-changing nature of love itself. This enigmatic celestial body holds a special place in our collective imagination, evoking a sense of romance, mystery, and connection.

The moon’s gentle glow, radiating softly across the night sky, captures the essence of loves tender touch. Its luminosity symbolizes the light that love brings to our lives, illuminating even the darkest corners. Just as the moon’s light guides sailors across vast oceans, love guides us through the vast journey of life, providing warmth, comfort, and direction.

The moon’s phases – from new moon to full moon and back again – represent the cyclical nature of love’s journey. Like the waxing and waning of the moon, love experiences moments of blossoming, intensity, and retreat. It teaches us that love is not always constant, but rather a beautiful dance of growth, passion, and renewal.

Moreover, the moon’s silvery radiance inspires reflection and introspection, inviting us to explore the depths of our hearts and discover the profound connections we share with our beloved. Beneath the moon’s ethereal glow, we often find ourselves more open, vulnerable, and receptive to the transformative power of love. It encourages us to embrace our emotional authenticity, fostering deeper connections and nurturing bonds that bring us together.

Across cultures and time, the moon has been revered as a universal symbol of love. Ancient myths and folklore envelope the moon in tales of star-crossed lovers, enchanting romances, and eternal devotion. Whether it serves as a romantic backdrop for a midnight stroll, a witness to stolen kisses, or a celestial guide to longing hearts, the moon ignites a sense of wonder, reminding us of love’s infinite possibilities.

Incorporating the moon as a symbol of love in our legend Bridal logo infuses our brand with a sense of enchantment and emotional resonance. It represents our commitment to celebrating and cherishing the transformative power of love, embracing its’ ever-changing nature, and creating a space where each love story can unfold beneath the gentle embrace of the moon’s luminous glow.


The skull,

A subtle nod to gothic aesthetics, serves as a powerful representation of inclusivity. It stands proudly, defying judgement and celebrating the beauty of every love story, regardless of societal expectations.

What makes the skull a truly remarkable symbol for inclusivity is its ability to challenge societal norms and break down barriers. Traditionally associated with darkness and mortality, the skull possesses a paradoxical beauty that transcends conventional notions of attractiveness and embraces the diversity and individuality of every person.

In embracing the skull as a symbol for inclusivity in our Legend Bridal Logo, we celebrate the inherent uniqueness and unapologetic self-expression of all individuals. No longer a mere representation of our mortality, the skull becomes a powerful statement of acceptance, reminding us that true beauty lies beyond external appearances.

By defying societal expectations and embracing the skull, we recognize and honour the multitude of identities and experiences that exist within us. The skull symbolizes the breaking free from traditional norms and stereotypes, embracing expressions of love that are often marginalised or misunderstood.

Furthermore, the skull acts as a reminder that inclusivity does not mean conforming to a predefined mould or adhering to expectations. It encourages us to challenge the status quo, to celebrate and accept our diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, and abilities without judgement or exclusion.

It reminds us that it is through acknowledging and celebrating our differences that we find strength in unity. It urges us to dismantle the barriers that separate us and embrace the beauty of our collective diversity. The skull embodies this spirit of inclusivity and encourages us to extend acceptance, respect, and love to all individuals, regardless of their background, appearance, or personal choices.

Ultimately, the skulls intrinsically inclusive nature lies in its ability to challenge societal norms, dismantle prejudices, and create space for self-expression and acceptance. By incorporating the skull in our Legend Bridal Logo, we send a powerful message of individuality, diversity, and the importance of celebrating the unique beauty of each person’s love story.

Legend Bridal Pins

To celebrate our 10th Birthday we have commissioned some enamel pins of our cute little logo; we absolutely adore them so we’re offering them up for sale here: