A Pocket Full of Witches
Casual dresses with pockets (1926). Photo: Davis/ Getty
“I love your dress!”
“Thanks, it has pockets!!!”
I’m sure most of us girls have experienced this conversation at some point in life.. but have you ever stopped to wonder just why we’re so enthralled to have such a simple inclusion in our garments? Why is it you can fit a million hands in one pocket of men’s jeans, yet for women you’re lucky to fit three fingers?! Let’s delve into the curious history of the simple pocket.
A 'witch' burned at the stake from a mid 19th century book
Pockets were first constructed in the 17th century, yet this luxury only extended to men. Women instead carried round a small pouch on a string which tied around their waist, often hidden underneath their petticoats. However, women with such ‘pockets’ were soon to be accused of witchcraft; storing curses and spells within them to cause mayhem among unsuspecting citizens. What was the consequence of such an alleged offence? Burning at the stake.
The trend of pockets for women was soon short lived, causing their men to carry around their personal items for them.
Fast forward to 2021 and still ladies’ garments are seldom seen with pockets. Nowadays, the witch is an emblem which signifies strength among womankind, with female protesters dressing up as witches to fight against sexism. So we say, fill our pockets with as much as we can ladies!
Women’s clothing with pockets from Vogue Basic Designs pattern making book
Dresses with pockets are a sure talking point for us girls and our wedding garments have also been no stranger to a pocket. If you’re a witch bride who loves a bit of mischief, why not sneak a concealed pocket into your wedding skirt and unleash a little magic on your big day! Or maybe you’re hoping to incorporate a sentimental item without putting it on show? We can place a small pocket hidden within the bodice of your wedding gown to keep something near and dear to your heart throughout the day.
To book an appointment with us and create your own bespoke wedding gown, fill out the contact slip in the footer below!
Our bride Clare, wearing a custom made wedding gown with pockets from Legend Bridal Designs